Ambiance Massage
A natural approach to better health.
Services And Rates


Swedish-This massage is a relaxation massage with lighter to medium pressure, focusing on relaxation.


Deep Tissue-This massage is for working out the tightness and stress from overworked muscles. This massage is deeper pressure combined with or without cupping to work out your knots.


Hot Stone-This massage is a relaxation massage using hot stones for a deeper heat to melt away tension and stress .


Pre-natal/Pregnancy-This massage is for expecting moms so help relive stress and tension they feel during pregnancy. A light to medium pressure, focusing on relaxation.


Therapeutic-This massage is a focused massage on a specific area for therapeutic healing caused from chronic pain.


 Couples-This massage is for two people on two separate tables with two therapists in the same room at the same time.


Chair-This massage is done on a traditional massage chair fully clothed generally focused on back, neck and shoulders.


Assisted Stretch-This is a 30 minute full body assisted stretch, while client is wearing loose fitting clothing prior to a massage or just by itself.


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Assisted Stretch$55.00 / 30 minutes
Chair Massage$45.00 / 30 minutes
Couples Massage$160.00 / 60 minutes
Couples Massage$240.00 / 90 minutes
Deep Tissue Massage$85.00 / 60 minutes
Deep Tissue Massage$120.00 / 90 minutes
Hot Stone Therapy$90.00 / 60 minutes
Hot Stone Therapy$130.00 / 90 minutes
Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage$55.00 / 30 minutes
Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage$85.00 / 60 minutes
Swedish Massage$55.00 / 30 minutes
Swedish Massage$85.00 / 60 minutes
Swedish Massage$120.00 / 90 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$85.00 / 60 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$120.00 / 90 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$160.00 / 120 minutes
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 715-456-0018
2519 N Hillcrest Parkway Suite 103, Altoona, WI 54720
© Copyright 2024 Ambiance Massage. All rights reserved.